Monday, February 6, 2012

Dressing for the King tip # 1 (plus some exciting news)

 I hope you all are having a great Monday! It's always hard getting back into the weekly routine. This post isn't exactly "on schedule". I just figured I would share with you something exciting that happened over the weekend and give my first Dressing for the King tip!

   Yesterday right before Sunday school, the teacher asked to speak with me. She told me that she had come across my blog that morning before church and she asked me to speak about modesty and read my first blog post, because that was our lesson! How exciting, just one more thing that reassured me! I was a little bit nervous. Not because I'm shy (because I am the farthest thing from that). I had just never really spoken in front of a Sunday school class. So, before class actually started, I found a place to pray quietly and gather my thoughts. I asked God to give me the words He would have me to say and to help me pour my heart out about what modesty means to me. Things went great! There were about 5 girls in there and 3 boys. I got great input for the girls (and the boys too)! (One thing that I loved was that my sweet boyfriend was in there. It's so important to me that he respects my choice to be modest, and that we have the same views. It makes things a LOT easier) I hope this means that I will be doing more speaking upon the Lord's request more often! This is a bonus! The Lord laid so many other things on my heart, and I cannot wait to talk about them!

   Alright, Here's Dressing for the King tip # uno : Scarfs 

I don't know about you, but I <3 scarves! There are so many types and colors! Today I wore a scarf because it was a little bit chilly. Scarves are great because they can be used to help keep you outfit modest! If you have a scoop neck shirt that is still revealing - with a camisole (please be sure to try this first, because most likely it will fix your wardrobe malfunction ;) - cover up cleavage with a cute scarf! Scarves can also be an adorable way to keep your britches pulled up. You could always go with a belt, but why not change it up? :)

Here are some of my favorite scarves! 

     Fun winter scarves! These are great because they are thick and warm!

My "all the time" scarves. I wear these in the winter, spring, summer, and fall! 

Remember to Dress for the King. I promise my next post will be the right one! :)

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